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Hours will vary depending on the weather!
Normal Hours of operation: 8 AM-7:30 PM Daily
Directions from Morgantown and points south:
Exit 155 – Star City – from Interstate 79.
Follow Routes 7 West and 19 North.
At the Routes 7 and 19 split (approximately 2 miles), continue on 19 North (the right side of the split).
Follow 19 North for approximately 2 miles to the Mountaineer Golf sign on your right.
Turn right onto Brand Road and continue ½ mile to Mountaineer Golf.
Directions from Pennsylvania and points north:
Exit 1 – Mt. Morris, PA.
From exit, turn right and continue ½ mile to stop sign.
Turn left onto Rt. 19S.
Follow 19S for 2 miles to the Mountaineer Golf sign on your left.
Turn left onto Brand Road and continue ½ mile to Mountaineer Golf.